U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T)

Directorate for Science and Technology

The Directorate for Science and Technology (S&T Directorate) is the primary research and development arm of DHS.

Mission and Objectives

The S&T Directorate, in partnership with the private sector, national laboratories, universities, and other government agencies (domestic and foreign), helps push the innovation envelope and drive development and the use of high technology in support of homeland security.

The Directorate is focusing on enabling its customers, the DHS components and their customers, including Border Patrol agents, Coast Guardsmen, airport baggage screeners, Federal Air Marshals, and state, local, and Federal emergency responders, as well as the many others teamed and committed to the vital mission of securing the Nation.

To reach its goals, the S&T Directorate is:

* Creating a customer-focused, output-oriented, full-service science and technology management organization that is consistent with its enabling legislation
* Incorporating lessons learned since the start-up of DHS to sharpen its focus on executing mission-oriented programs
* Providing leadership and resources to develop the intellectual basis that is essential to future mission success


Borders and Maritime Security Division - Controlling our land and sea borders

The Borders and Maritime Security Division develops, evaluates, and demonstrates technologies and tools for better securing our land and maritime ports of entry. We are pilot-testing surveillance and monitoring capabilities to cover vast expanses of remote border and developing and testing security devices and inspection methods to secure the large volume of cargo entering U.S. ports daily.
We work with the Federal Aviation Administration and Federal Railroad Administration to develop and test identity verification tools, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unattended surveillance systems, and cargo security and inspection devices to achieve operational control of our borders and ports while allowing the flow of legitimate travel and commerce.

Chemical and Biological Division - Defending against germs and poisons

Throughout history, pathogenic organisms and toxins have posed threats to human health, agriculture, and the food supply. Chemical warfare agents also present terrorists with the potential for inflicting mass casualties on an unsuspecting public.
Our Chemical and Biological Division is conducting analyses to characterize and prioritize threats. It develops detection systems to provide early warning of a possible attack so as to minimize exposure and speed treatment of victims, conducts forensic analyses to support attribution, and works with our Federal partners who have lead responsibilities in decontamination and restoration, agrodefense, and food security.

Command, Control and Interoperability Division - Know and counter threats through effective communication

The Command, Control and Interoperability Division focuses on operable and interoperable communications for emergency responders, security and integrity of the Internet, and development of automated capabilities that connect the dots, to recognize potential threats.
The Command, Control and Interoperability Division is supporting our partners in Federal, State, local, and tribal emergency response; DHS operational components charged with predicting, detecting, and responding to all hazards; and our private sector partners (with the DHS S&T Infrastructure and Geophysical Division) who own, operate, maintain, and utilize much of the Nation’s cyber infrastructure.

Explosives Division - Stopping the things that go ‘bang’

Explosives and other energetic materials are the weapons of choice for terrorists plotting to disrupt civil society and create mass casualties. Our Explosives Division focuses on the detection, mitigation, and response to explosives such as improvised explosive devices and suicide bombers.
S&T coordinates with Federal partners that include the Departments of Defense and Justice as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation in supporting our primary customer, the Transportation Security Administration.
A broad range of existing and emerging approaches to detect and lessen the impact of explosive materials is being employed, from baggage-screening devices to those that can identify explosives residue.

Human Factors Division - Know our enemies, understand ourselves; put the human in the equation

Terrorists do not think like we do. We need to understand what motivates them and how such ideology can take root among both privileged and poor, the educated and the illiterate. Similarly, to respond better, we must understand fully why certain events trigger social disruption but others do not, and we need to know how humans best interact with technology to accomplish their missions.
S&T's Human Factors Division applies the social and behavioural sciences to improve detection, analysis, and understanding of threats posed by individuals, groups, and radical movements; to support the preparedness, response, and recovery of communities impacted by catastrophic events; and to advance national security by integrating human factors into homeland security technologies.

Infrastructure and Geophysical Division - Preventing rubble from manmade and natural threats

The Infrastructure and Geophysical Division focuses on identifying and mitigating the vulnerabilities of the 17 critical infrastructure and key assets that keep our society and economy functioning.
We model and simulate the Nation’s critical infrastructures to determine how various scenarios will affect each sector, provide decision support tools to guide decision makers in identifying gaps and vulnerabilities, and develop predictive tools and methods to aid in preparing for and responding to various catastrophes.


> Index

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March 2022

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 21st March 2022

Tracing the Path of Pathogens after Rain If a large-scale contamination with a biological agent took place near a major coastal city, it would impact[more]

February 2022

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 2nd February 2022

Robot Dogs Take Another Step Towards Deployment at the Border The American Southwest is a region that blends a harsh landscape, temperature extremes [more]

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March 2022

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 21st March 2022

US DHS S&T Seeks Solutions for Mitigating Threats to Soft Targets   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Direct[more]

February 2022

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 4th February 2022

US DHS S&T Seeks Innovative Tech to Defend Against Chemical and Biological Threats   he Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and T[more]

May 2021

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 26th May 2021

How Investments in International Relationships Pay Off for S&T and the US   Like the rest of the country’s scientific research and de[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 21st May 2021

US DHS Partners with South Korea for Aviation Security   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)[more]

April 2021

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 22nd April 2021

New Tech Makes Detecting Airborne Ebola Virus Possible   Natural outbreaks of the Ebola virus, while severe, are typically isolated and usually[more]

March 2021

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 4th March 2021

Leveraging Partnerships to De-escalate Conflict in Law Enforcement Encounters   Managing conflicts is an integral aspect of law enforcement, bu[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 3rd March 2021

US DHS S&T Awards Funding to Design Video Analytics for TSA Checkpoints    In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Transportation Se[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 1st March 2021

US DHS Publishes Free Resources to Protect Critical Infrastructure From GPS Spoofing. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science [more]

December 2020

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 4th December 2020

Identity Verification During the Age of COVID-19 Face masks have become a way of life due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We now wear them nearly everywher[more]

November 2020

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 11th November 2020

Useful US DHS S&T Guidance Will Improve Critical Infrastructure Resilience   It is easy to understand the importance of our "critical[more]

October 2020

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 6th October 2020

Feature Article: Protecting Device Software from Zero-Day Attacks with TrustMS   An essential step to protecting mobile and embedded devices fr[more]

July 2020

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 30th July 2020

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is seeking groundbreaking solutions to address cur[more]

April 2020

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 15th April 2020

US – Israeli Robot Accessory Arm Provides Enhanced Capabilities and Precise Manipulation   The remotely-controlled Andros Wolverine 6X6 o[more]

March 2020

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 25th March 2020

DHS S&T Completes Successful Test of DNA Tool to Detect African Swine Fever in Pigs   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 12th March 2020

New Water Cannon Technology a Breakthrough for Bomb Squads   Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are a constant and ever-changing threat to the[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 2nd March 2020

US Customs and Border Protection Officers Leverage S&T-Developed Imposter Detection Training Tech to Maximize Officer Performance   Every d[more]

January 2020

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 16th January 2020

US S&T-Funded SABER Helps Communities Get Back to Business During and After Disasters In recent years, severe storm surges, flooding, mass power [more]

October 2019

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 11th October 2019

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) awarded QED Secure Solutions $200,000 to field test a secure tr[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 4th October 2019

DHS S&T Awards $199K to Atlanta's Bastille Networks, Inc. for Final Testing of IoT Solution   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Sci[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 3rd October 2019

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has awarded $143,478 to Danube Tech GmbH, based in Vi[more]

September 2019

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 28th September 2019

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) awarded $200,000 to CryptoMove, Inc., to continue to enhance[more]

August 2019

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 30th August 2019

DHS S&T Awards $200K to San Diego's Planck Aerosystems  Inc. for Final Testing of Small Unmanned Aircraft System   The Department of H[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 7th August 2019

Snapshot: S&T, Israel tackle cargo shipping security   Two tan shipping containers are locked side-by-side on the concrete ground.Each day,[more]

July 2019

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 19th July 2019

DHS S&T Announces $35M Funding Opportunity for New Center of Excellence in Terrorism Prevention and Counterterrorism Research The Department of H[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 5th July 2019

S&T NUSTL Supports First Responder Radiological Preparedness A radiological dispersal device (RDD), or "dirty bomb,” detonation in a [more]

June 2019

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 19th June 2019

S&T Prototype Shoe Scanner May Improve the Airport Security Experience   The types of shoes you wear when flying matter. And not just shoe [more]

May 2019

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 30th May 2019

DHS S&T Joins FEMA and States in Regional Emergency Preparedness Exercise  On June 3-7, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) [more]

April 2019

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 26th April 2019

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has awarded $1,656,206.00 to Halo X-ray Technologies Ltd (HXT) [more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 15th April 2019

Innovative S&T Developed Training Transitioned to Border Patrol Results in Enhanced Tracking Skills   A foot printThe Department of Homelan[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 3rd April 2019

New 3D Crime Scene Mapping Tool Turns Incident Scenes into Virtual 3D Models   When officers arrive at a crime or crash scene, they have to spe[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 1st April 2019

S&T Awards $5.9M to Expand Critical Infrastructure Protection Platform The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Dire[more]

March 2019

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 13th March 2019

Snapshot: S&T Testing Smart Sensor to Enhance Emergency Communications   First responders run toward danger; their jobs require it. From ru[more]

January 2019

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 18th January 2019

S&T is Delivering Emerging Smart Cities Technologies to First Responders, Industry   In large and small communities across the country, eme[more]

June 2018

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 26th June 2018

S&T Partners with New Innovators to Bring Smart Cities Technologies to First Responders   The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Sc[more]

November 2017

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 10th November 2017

Chemical Detection Sensors to be Installed in the New World Trade Center Transportation Hub in New York City   In New York, a new magnificent a[more]

May 2017

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 31st May 2017

DHS to Unveil Resilient Tunnel Plug Technology at ILC Dove   A giant, inflatable structure designed to prevent flooding in tunnels, will be unv[more]

November 2015

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 6th November 2015

DHS S&T Funded Technology Helps Protect Devices from Cyber Attacks In 2011, a small group of university researchers working on securing embedded de[more]

October 2015

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 1st October 2015

DHS S&T Launches $100,000 Prize Competition to Support Future National Bio and Agro Defense Facility The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS[more]

July 2015

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 16th July 2015

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has announced that another cybersecurity technology has been licens[more]

June 2015

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 30th June 2015

DHS S&T Announces Collaboration with Emergency Management Victoria (Australia) and MIT Lincoln Laboratory U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 18th June 2015

DHS S&T Releases Final Recovery Transformer Report The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) today annou[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 5th June 2015

S&T to Demonstrate Malware Detection Technologies Many of us may have had experiences with an attempted cyberattack. Emails appearing to be from a [more]

May 2015

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 20th May 2015

DHS S&T have awarded a final contract for construction of a National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) S[more]

April 2015

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 13th April 2015

DHS S&T Selects Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) today a[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 10th April 2015

DHS S&T expands mobile App archiving technology across all major mobile apps markets The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technol[more]

U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T) 8th April 2015

DHS S&T Incident Command System Transitions to Commercial Market The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)[more]

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U.S Department of Homeland Security (S&T)

Science And Technology
Washington DC
United States Of America

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