Border Security Report

Border Security Report is the world’s leading dedicated border security magazine.

Download the latest issue via the web site:

As we see the continued escalation of the global migration crisis, with mass movements of people fleeing the war zones of the Middle East as well as illegal economic immigration from Africa and elsewhere, international terrorism shows every sign of increasing, posing real threats to the free movement of people.

International organised criminal gangs and human and drug trafficking groups exploit opportunities and increasingly use the internet and technology to enhance their activities.

Controlling and managing international borders in the 21st Century continues to challenge the border control and immigration agencies around the world. It is generally agreed that in a globalised world borders should be as open as possible, but threats continue to remain in ever evolving circumstances and situations.

Advancements in technology are assisting in the battle to maintain safe and secure international travel. The border security professional still remains the front line against these threats.

BSR aims to inform and enlighten readers with up-to-date news as well as in-depth features, essential analysis and comment that can be downloaded quickly and efficiently from a reliable single source.

If you would like your news to be considered for publication, please contact: tony.kingham (at)

Editorial submissions 

News: Industry news stories such as new contracts, new products or product developments should not exceed 500 words.

For articles: Initially please submit a short abstract for consideration. Articles must be submitted on an exclusive basis and must not be under consideration by any other publications. Articles should promote readability and must be informational not promotional (experience shows that informational pieces are far more influential than promotional ones). Articles should be no longer than 2000 words and include images.

Editorial submissions should be in Word format. Images should be in jpeg.


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January 2021

Border Security Report 29th January 2021

In this interview with Paul Hollingshead of Anduril IndustriesIn this interview with Paul Hollingshead, Head of Europe, Middle East and Asia for Andur[more]

August 2021

Border Security Report 12th August 2021

Download the latest Border Security Report - In this issue: - Threats and Challenges for Maritime Borders - DHS S&T Evaluating Border Security Te[more]

February 2021

Border Security Report 3rd February 2021

Philippines BOC Receives Radiation Detection Equipment from the US   The Philippines Bureau of Customs (BOC) received radiation detection equip[more]

January 2021

Border Security Report 19th January 2021

Webinar: API/PNR Part 3 – Future Systems to Fight Global Terrorism and Cross Border Crime   Wednesday 16th December- 9.00am EST / 2.00pm [more]

November 2020

Border Security Report 26th November 2020

Latest Webinar Available to Watch – Smuggling & Trade in Illicit Goods, Antiquities and Endangered Species   If you missed the rece[more]

Border Security Report 18th November 2020

Smart Imaging Systems Announces the First Portable Vehicle Scanning Technology The United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a $3.[more]

Border Security Report 11th November 2020

Veridos introduces a new solution for eVisas and electronic travel authorizations   Veridos has announced its SmartTravel solution as the lates[more]

October 2020

Border Security Report 21st October 2020

European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) selects Airbus and its partner IAI for Maritime Aerial Surveillance with Remotely Piloted Aircraft Sy[more]

Border Security Report 7th October 2020

TSA checkpoint at Long Island MacArthur Airport gets new state-of-the-art 3-D checkpoint scanner to improve explosives detection   A new state-[more]

Border Security Report 1st October 2020

Watch - SAHEL Region Border Challenges in the Context of Counter-Terrorism and Related Transnational Organized Crime   In partnership with the [more]

September 2020

Border Security Report 29th September 2020

Brought to you in partnership with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre - Watch the latest webinar - Challenges at Argentina, Paraguay and Urug[more]

Border Security Report 24th September 2020

Webinar: SAHEL Region Border Challenges   BORDER SECURITY REPORT webinar in partnership with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT[more]

Border Security Report 17th September 2020

Winnipeg International Airport Launches Vision-Box Automated Border Control eGates for NEXUS Travellers   Winnipeg Airports Authority (WAA) con[more]

Border Security Report 16th September 2020

Don't forget to join us later today for our webinar in partnership with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Center - 'Challenges at Argentina, Paragu[more]

Border Security Report 15th September 2020

Swedish Police Authority awards multi-year contract to Thales for innovative travel and identity documents   Thales has announced that its shar[more]

Border Security Report 8th September 2020

Smiths Detection wins contract with U.S. Customs and Border Protection for rail cargo inspection solutions Smiths Detection has been awarded an indef[more]

Border Security Report 1st September 2020

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Air and Marine Operations (AMO) continues to standardize, and modernize, its aviation fleet through the long-te[more]

August 2020

Border Security Report 25th August 2020

Airbus delivers first of 16 advanced law enforcement H125 helicopters to US Customs and Border Protection   Airbus Helicopters has delivered th[more]

Border Security Report 24th August 2020

Elbit Systems of America integrates Linear Ground Detection System into TORCH™ Command & Control Center for border security   Elbit S[more]

Border Security Report 19th August 2020

Situation at EU external borders – Arrivals picking up, still down for the year   In the first seven months of this year, the number of i[more]

Border Security Report 12th August 2020

SpearUAV has unveiled its Ninox family of encapsulated drones for border security, HLS and defence applications   Instantly launched and intuit[more]

Border Security Report 11th August 2020

Thales high tech to offer Thai Citizens one of the world’s most secure e-passports Even though the COVID-19 health crisis has been severely dis[more]

Border Security Report 5th August 2020

Multi-agency task force seizes cache of hard narcotics worth over 1 million dollars Special agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement&rsqu[more]

Border Security Report 5th August 2020

The Spanish National Police dismantles in Vizcaya an organisation dedicated to trafficking in human beings for their labour exploitation Spanish Nati[more]

Border Security Report 4th August 2020

Benchmark Delivering on $51M Order from U.S. Department of Homeland Security to Provide Advanced Surveillance Technology to U.S. Border Patrol  [more]

Border Security Report 3rd August 2020

East African human trafficking rings expand their operations Ninety-six Ugandan women, mostly children and youth, were stopped at Nairobi’s int[more]

July 2020

Border Security Report 20th July 2020

Further members of the organized criminal group were detained Officers from the Nadodrzański Branch of the Border Guard and the Central Investigatio[more]

Border Security Report 10th July 2020

Smiths Detection to acquire PathSensors to expand its biological-detection capability   Smiths Detection has announced that that its to acquire[more]

Border Security Report 9th July 2020

Galician coast guard uses FLIR thermal cameras to fight illegal fishing   FLIR PT Series cameras were used in a surveillance project to detect [more]

Border Security Report 9th July 2020

New Resource on Gender and Border Management Integrating a gender perspective into the work of state institutions responsible for border management [more]

Border Security Report 9th July 2020

HGH launches new Panoramic Fever Screening Technology to measure skin-surface temperatures in wide and crowded environments    Facing the [more]

Border Security Report 9th July 2020

Human trafficking for the purpose of organ removal needs urgent international attention, concludes expert roundtable co-organized by OSCE and partners[more]

Border Security Report 7th July 2020

Smiths Detection launches iCMORE algorithms for lithium batteries and dangerous goods for HI-SCAN 10080 XCT   Smiths Detection has launched iCM[more]

Border Security Report 6th July 2020

The Finnish Border Guard will operate drone for maritime surveillance purposes   The Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) service is offered[more]

Border Security Report 6th July 2020

Polish police and customs seize weapons, ammunition and drugs Officers from the SG branch in Kłodzko together with Lower Silesian policemen and offi[more]

Border Security Report 6th July 2020

Smiths Detection launches iCMORE algorithms for lithium batteries and dangerous goods for HI-SCAN 10080 XCT   Smiths Detection has launched iCM[more]

Border Security Report 6th July 2020

New PNR Data Standards amendment to improve global counter-terrorism efforts A detailed set of international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP[more]

Border Security Report 3rd July 2020

LEAP (Law Enforcement Analytical Platform)   Typical mobile forensic tools require manual steps to configure the analysis process and sign[more]

Border Security Report 2nd July 2020

WTTC lays out guidelines for a Safe and Seamless Travel in the ‘new normal’ including systematic biometric verified identification during [more]

Border Security Report 1st July 2020

Large-scale deployment of the federal police to combat commercial smuggling and commercial document forgery   Germany’s Federal police of[more]

Border Security Report 1st July 2020

Major Albanian-Italian drug trafficking network dismantled   International coordination led by Eurojust With fundamental and constant support f[more]

June 2020

Border Security Report 29th June 2020

INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization (WCO) have reaffirmed their commitment to aligning police and customs efforts in the fight against organiz[more]

Border Security Report 18th June 2020

Criminal group in Paris was distributing forged, stolen and lost EU documents to irregular migrants across Europe The French Border Police (Police Au[more]

Border Security Report 16th June 2020

Major Strike on International Drug Crime   Two organized criminal groups, 13 defendants – are the result of an investigation conducted by[more]

Border Security Report 16th June 2020

Now live – Live from the Border Episode 2 – Mr Ghenadie Astrahan, Border Police of Moldova   In this episode, Mr Ghenadie Astrahan [more]

Border Security Report 10th June 2020

Monitoring Borders with a Vehicle Mounted CCTV Mast Solution With the ever-increasing need for continual monitoring to guard against border threats, [more]

Border Security Report 10th June 2020

Breaking terrorism supply chains in West Africa Last month Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire jointly conducted Operation Como&eacu[more]

Border Security Report 10th June 2020

Malaysia Sets Up New Border Security Task Force In response to an influx of illegal migration during the COVID-19 pandemic, in April 2020, the Malays[more]

Border Security Report 9th June 2020

CBP’s New Border Wall is Being Breached Already So far, around 194 miles of Trump’s border wall has been built and the plan is to build 4[more]

Border Security Report 3rd June 2020

BSF DG visits Indo-Pak international border to review security plans Amid spike in ceasefire violations and intrusion bids along the Line of Control,[more]

Border Security Report 3rd June 2020

Innovative mobile app using Regula SDK has improved efficiency of border control in Portugal  Regula has recently cooperated with the Portuguese[more]

Border Security Report 3rd June 2020

Ultraviolet light tray disinfection for checkpoint trays at Airports   Elevated hygiene standards will be crucial as the aviation industry seek[more]

Border Security Report 3rd June 2020

3 Arrested in Hungary In €1.4 Million VAT Fraud Investigation Last week, the Hungarian National Tax and Customs Administration (Nemzeti Ad&oacut[more]

Border Security Report 2nd June 2020

EU concludes agreements with Montenegro and Serbia on Frontex cooperation The European Council adopted two decisions to conclude the agreements with [more]

May 2020

Border Security Report 20th May 2020

SITA has stepped up its commitment to developing a permanent digital identity for air travel SITA has stepped up its commitment to developing a perma[more]

Border Security Report 18th May 2020

Saab receives airborne surveillance order for tasks including border surveillance and search-and-rescue operations Saab has signed a contract an[more]

Border Security Report 15th May 2020

Migrant smugglers and human traffickers to become more ruthless and clandestine says new Europol report Shifting smuggling routes and abusing economi[more]

Border Security Report 12th May 2020

Sweden hosted the first meeting of Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation Group, focusing on information technology and human trafficking   Th[more]

Border Security Report 12th May 2020

Reducing touch points along the passenger journey   The COVID-19 pandemic has changed expectations of safety and security, with a possible long[more]

Border Security Report 12th May 2020

Joint WCO-IRU statement on responding to the impacts of COVID-19 on cross-border transport   The heads of the World Customs Organization (WCO) [more]

Border Security Report 12th May 2020

Estonia is using live streaming data from unmanned aircraft system to surveil the closed Latvian border   The 2nd Infantry Brigade of the Defen[more]

Border Security Report 12th May 2020

Situation at EU external borders in April – Detections lowest since 2009   In April, the number of detections of illegal border crossings[more]

Border Security Report 12th May 2020

New military Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI sets sail to enforce the implementation of the arms embargo, monitor illegal oil trafficking and counter hum[more]

Border Security Report 11th May 2020

Greece to lease "Heron” drone for border surveillance   The Greek army is to lease Israel’s "Heron” drone surveil[more]

Border Security Report 11th May 2020

Nuctech X-ray Security Inspection System has passed the Liquid Explosive Detection System and Explosive Detection System for Cabin Baggage standard te[more]

Border Security Report 11th May 2020

COVID detection trials landing at Heathrow   Heathrow CEO, John Holland-Kaye informed the House of Commons Transport Committee today (6 May) th[more]

Border Security Report 6th May 2020

INTERPOL, Europol and World Customs Organization join forces during Operations Athena II and Pandora IV More than 19,000 archaeological artefacts and[more]

Border Security Report 6th May 2020

UN rights expert urges States to step-up anti-slavery efforts to protect most vulnerable during COVID-19  "The severe socio-economic effec[more]

Border Security Report 4th May 2020

INTERPOL has signed an agreement with the World Customs Organization (WCO) granting the global body access to its database on illicit firearms The ag[more]

Border Security Report 1st May 2020

HGH launches the new CN-37 Blackbody for absolute reliable reference of fever screening systems   Facing the worldwide COVID-19 sanitary crisis[more]

Border Security Report 1st May 2020

A Turkish soldier is said to have shot at German and Greek #Frontex police officers at the Turkish-Greek border. The incident had already oc[more]

April 2020

Border Security Report 30th April 2020

Chinese company Rokid have released their new thermal smart glasses to help in the fight against COVID-19   Chinese company Rokid have just rel[more]

Border Security Report 30th April 2020

everis adapts its biometric identity solutions to fight COVID-19   The new reality that the COVID-19 has imposed in society makes it imperative[more]

Border Security Report 28th April 2020

Lines, Flows and Transnational Crime: Toward a Revised Approach to Countering the Underworld of Globalization In this article, we develop a new frame[more]

Border Security Report 27th April 2020

Situation at EU external borders in March – Detections halved from previous month In March, the number of detections of illegal border crossing[more]

Border Security Report 27th April 2020

Wildlife trafficking harms animals and human health: the case of Pangolins Wildlife trafficking harms animals and human health: the case of Pangolins[more]

Border Security Report 27th April 2020

Customs and ports urged to maintain flow of critical goods during pandemic Trade by sea must continue to flow to maintain the continue[more]

Border Security Report 23rd April 2020

Malaysian drugs mule jailed for attempted internal heroin importation into Australia   A Malaysian national has been jailed after attempti[more]

Border Security Report 23rd April 2020

Hundreds arrested in crackdown on terrorist routes in Southeast Asia   An INTERPOL-led operation codenamed ‘Maharlika III’ saw law [more]

Border Security Report 23rd April 2020

IOM and European Union Integrated Border Management Assistance Mission in Libya signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation on supp[more]

Border Security Report 16th April 2020

EU Commission: Internal Border Controls Should Be Lifted in a Coordinated Manner   The European Union Commission has presented on Wednesday, Ap[more]

Border Security Report 8th April 2020

Geospace subsidiary quantum technology sciences AWARDED U.S. Homeland security contract   Geospace Technologies has announced that its subsidia[more]

Border Security Report 8th April 2020

Member States continue to support Frontex operations in Greece   Most of the EU Member States and Schengen-Associated Countries taking part in [more]

Border Security Report 7th April 2020

Telpo Develops Face Recognition Temperature Measurement Solution For Disease Prevention and Control   Based on current measures for disease pre[more]

Border Security Report 3rd April 2020

Increasing safety with biometric fever screening   When it comes to a viral infection, fever is one of the most frequent symptoms. The German c[more]

Border Security Report 3rd April 2020

DERMALOG provides the world's first biometric border control system with integrated fever detection   The spread of coronavirus shows that in t[more]

Border Security Report 3rd April 2020

Holding the Line: Border Officials Mobilize Against COVID-19 With IOM’s Support The daily trickle of travelers, livestock and goods that o[more]

March 2020

Border Security Report 25th March 2020

Australian Border Force signs MOU with Singapore   Australian Border Force (ABF) Commissioner Michael Outram countersigned a Memorandum of Unde[more]

Border Security Report 25th March 2020

64 migrants found dead in truck container in Mozambique The bodies of 64 men were discovered asphyxiated in a sealed shipping container on the back o[more]

Border Security Report 20th March 2020

In a globalised era, how can defence companies protect people’s ways of life?    Mark Alexander, Head of Security Solutions at Airbu[more]

Border Security Report 19th March 2020

Spain and Portugal Take Illegal Ivory Off the Black Market The Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) and the Portuguese Civil Guard (Guardia Nacional R[more]

Border Security Report 19th March 2020

DHS: Combatting Human Trafficking with Analytics There are currently an estimated 24.9 million victims (PDF; 16.41MB; 538 Pgs.)of human tra[more]

Border Security Report 18th March 2020

IOM, UNHCR announce temporary suspension of resettlement travel for refugees   As countries drastically reduce entry into their territories owi[more]

Border Security Report 17th March 2020

Large-scale heroin shipments from the Middle East: 2.4 tonnes of heroin seized and two high value criminal targets arrested   A multinational j[more]

Border Security Report 20th March 2020

Can the use of passenger data help contain, track, or manage the spread of infectious diseases? By Andrew Priestley Over the last few months news he[more]

Border Security Report 16th March 2020

Herta launches a new technology that allows facial identification even with a mask   Herta is launching this week a new version of its facial r[more]

Border Security Report 13th March 2020

EU invests €3.5 million [5.65 billion MMK] in biosecurity in South-East Asia   The European Union launched a €3.5 million [5.65 billi[more]

Border Security Report 13th March 2020

6 Arrested and Scores of Weapons Seized in Raids Across Slovakia   With the active support of Europol, the Slovak National Crime Agency (N&aacu[more]

Border Security Report 13th March 2020

Balkan Cocaine Cartel Taken Down In Montenegro   A large Balkan criminal network trafficking drugs, mainly cocaine, from source countries to Eu[more]

Border Security Report 10th March 2020

FLIR Launches Ranger HDC MR High-Definition Mid-Range Surveillance System   FLIR Systems has announced the launch of the FLIR Ranger® HDC M[more]

Border Security Report 2nd March 2020

Frontex to launch rapid border intervention at Greece’s external borders   The Executive Director of Frontex has agreed today to launch a[more]

February 2020

Border Security Report 28th February 2020

Innovative Travel Solutions by YVR celebrates BorderXpress pilot program in Iceland Innovative Travel Solutions (ITS) by Vancouver International Airp[more]

Border Security Report 27th February 2020

UN launches new project to address link between terrorism, arms and crime   Cheap and easily accessible small arms are increasingly becoming th[more]

Border Security Report 26th February 2020

Niger: Police rescue 232 victims of human trafficking 46 minors have been saved from forced begging and sexual exploitation Police in Niger have res[more]

Border Security Report 25th February 2020

Renful say they have developed the first-ever Container X-Ray Simulator   In recent years, there has been a significant increase of volume[more]

Border Security Report 20th February 2020

UNODC partners with governments to disrupt precursor chemical trafficking in the Asia Pacific region   The United Nations Office on Drugs and C[more]

Border Security Report 20th February 2020

Foreign fighters: ‘One of the most serious dimensions’ in global counter-terrorism struggle   Over the past few years, ISIL and Al-[more]

Border Security Report 19th February 2020

25 Arrests in Series of Police Actions Against an Albanian Drug Trafficking Gang 25 suspects tied to an Albanian-speaking organised crime network wer[more]

Border Security Report 18th February 2020

€5 Million To Tighten Border Security in Ghana The four-year-project aims at improving border management and security in Ghana, by reducing irre[more]

Border Security Report 18th February 2020

How prepared is the border community for a global pandemic?   On the 31 December 2019, World Health Organisation was alerted to several cases o[more]

Border Security Report 17th February 2020

Vislink Technologies Receives $1.3 Million Contract from European Partner for Border Protection   Vislink Technologies has announced that is ha[more]

Border Security Report 10th February 2020

Meeting of Chiefs of Border Police Services in Belgrade, Serbia Meeting of Chiefs of Border Police Services, organised by DCAF Ljubljana in cooperati[more]

Border Security Report 18th February 2020

Download the latest issue of Border Security Report magazine  Click here to download your copy of Border Security Report (pdf) >> &n[more]

Border Security Report 5th February 2020

Eight Arrested for Smuggling Migrants from Greece to Italy   On 2 February 2020, a law enforcement operation supported by Europol saw the arres[more]

Border Security Report 4th February 2020

Leidos to acquires L3Harris Technologies' Security Detection and Automation Businesses for $1 billion in cash   L3Harris' Security Detection an[more]

Border Security Report 4th February 2020

Spanish police arrest 26 for smuggling migrants from Algeria and Morocco   On 19 November 2019, the Spanish National Police (Policía Nac[more]

Border Security Report 4th February 2020

DroneSeastem-Protect Project: drones will protect the maritime access routes of the French Southern region    DroneSeastem-Protect is the [more]

January 2020

Border Security Report 31st January 2020

Longest cross-border tunnel discovered in San Diego   After a challenging multi-year, inter-agency investigation, utilizing technology capabili[more]

Border Security Report 31st January 2020

Combating human trafficking and disappearances of refugee children   The Council of Europe should "do more to combat human trafficking an[more]

Border Security Report 28th January 2020

Balkans: Operation Theseus busts human trafficking and migrant smuggling ringsAuthorities in the Balkans have dealt a blow to organized crime groups b[more]

Border Security Report 28th January 2020

Euromed Police project and closing conference lay the foundation of future Euro-Mediterranean police community   On 16 January, Euromed Police [more]

Border Security Report 20th January 2020

Bangladesh Starts Transition to ePassportsIn the capital Dhaka, the Department of Immigration and Passports opens a new personalization and issuance c[more]

Border Security Report 20th January 2020

Border Agencies introducing Entry/Exit systems and other government agencies requiring real-time response can now benefit from low latency biometric d[more]

Border Security Report 15th January 2020

FRONTEX FLASH REPORT – Irregular migration into EU at lowest level since 2013   The number of irregular border crossings detected on the [more]

Border Security Report 14th January 2020

47 Arrests for Smuggling Moroccan Citizens to the EU The British Royal Gibraltar Police  and the Spanish National Police (Policía Naciona[more]

Border Security Report 14th January 2020

360 Vision Technology help Felixstowe Coastwatch to save lives   The high-performance Predator Ultra HD PTZ video surveillance camera from UK C[more]

Border Security Report 9th January 2020

US Customs and Border Protection will initiate a limited, small-scale pilot program to assess the operational impact of proposed regulatory changes th[more]

Border Security Report 9th January 2020

UNODC delivers sophisticated analyzers of drugs to Bolivian Antinarcotics Police laboratories   The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (U[more]

Border Security Report 9th January 2020

Asylum Seekers Extorted - Men Sentenced for Scheme Targeting New Immigrants   It was easy for the criminals to spot their targets as buses offl[more]

December 2019

Border Security Report 30th December 2019

Global Migrant Deaths Decline, but Tragedies Continue Worldwide  As 2019 draws to a close, the International Organization for Migration reports [more]

Border Security Report 30th December 2019

Firearms trafficking: joint operation exposes patterns and smuggling routes across West Africa   A regional law enforcement operation against f[more]

Border Security Report 30th December 2019

Passive Terahertz Technology Enables International Customs Agencies to Fill a Critical Gap in Border Security   By Colin Evans, Chief Executive[more]

Border Security Report 30th December 2019

The European Commission adopted on 20 December new cooperation programmes worth €389 million in support of the Kingdom of Morocco, in order to su[more]

Border Security Report 16th December 2019

U.S. Border Patrol agents discovered the second cross-border tunnel running beneath the streets of Nogales in less than a week.   Tucson Sector[more]

Border Security Report 12th December 2019

Rapiscan System’s RTT 110 Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) has been tested by the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and achieved the EC[more]

Border Security Report 10th December 2019

World Migration Report 2020 Launched   In a global media environment highly interested in the issue of migration, the need for verified, eviden[more]

Border Security Report 9th December 2019

Making migrant return and reintegration a success: International Organization for Migration launches global tool with EU support   With support[more]

Border Security Report 2nd December 2019

Migration pressure is increasing on the southern border as police discover two tunnels under the frontier     Hungary has seen 11,808 i[more]

November 2019

Border Security Report 25th November 2019

Veridos modernises Cyprus passport personalisation system The Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior of Cyprus has commi[more]

Border Security Report 22nd November 2019

Southeast Asia: terror suspects and criminals detected in border operation   SINGAPORE – A border operation coordinated by INTERPOL has d[more]

Border Security Report 21st November 2019

JENETRIC has announced a strategic global partnership with the Laxton Group   This cooperation was formed to address the ever-growing demand fo[more]

Border Security Report 15th November 2019

Large Network Smuggling Migrants in Lorries Dismantled in Germany And Romania The German Federal Police (Bundespolizei) and the Romanian Police (Poli[more]

Border Security Report 15th November 2019

An INTERPOL-led operation against people smuggling through the Americas has led to 53 arrests and the identification of some 775 migrants from 30 diff[more]

Border Security Report 14th November 2019

15 Arrested in a Hit Against Human Trafficking Gang in Lithuania And Spain On 12 November 2019, the Lithuanian Police (Lietuvos Policija) and the Spa[more]

Border Security Report 13th November 2019

Iran’s Border Police commander said Tehran and Islamabad have coordinated efforts to enhance security along the common land border, unveiling pl[more]

Border Security Report 12th November 2019

Migratory situation in October – arrivals in Eastern Mediterranean down from September   In October, the number of detections of illegal [more]

Border Security Report 12th November 2019

Child Labour and Human Trafficking Remain Important Concerns in Global Supply Chains   A new report indicates that a significant share of child[more]

Border Security Report 8th November 2019

Authorities have rescued 64 victims of human trafficking and people smuggling during an INTERPOL-coordinated operation in Mali.   The victims &[more]

Border Security Report 6th November 2019

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), in partnership with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), has begun installing the first panels for new bord[more]

Border Security Report 4th November 2019

Joint operation leads to four arrests after 400kg of 'ice' located in hot chilli sauce import   Four men have been arrested over the importatio[more]

October 2019

Border Security Report 28th October 2019

OSCE Secretariat and Frontex strengthen co-operation to combat cross-border crime   The OSCE Secretariat and Frontex, the European Border and C[more]

November 2019

Border Security Report 5th November 2019

39 people who died tragically whilst being smuggled into the UK – What is the real lesson?   As a response to the migrant camps in Calais[more]

October 2019

Border Security Report 22nd October 2019

Five arrested after migrants found in cattle truck   Five men have been arrested as part of a National Crime Agency investigation into a crime [more]

Border Security Report 16th October 2019

Migratory situation in September – Eastern Mediterranean accounts for most arrivals   In September, the number of detections of illegal b[more]

Border Security Report 16th October 2019

DHS Senior Official Participates in Second United States-Greece Strategic Dialogue   Chad Wolf, the Senior Official Performing the Duties of th[more]

Border Security Report 14th October 2019

New EU-funded training modules for Libyan Coastguard and Navy ended in Italy and Croatia   In the wider framework of training carried out by SO[more]

Border Security Report 14th October 2019

European Asylum Support Office report: Syria remains among the top three countries of origin of asylum seekers   The European Asylum Support Of[more]

Border Security Report 9th October 2019

Synthetik Awarded Contract from DHS to Generate Machine Learning Training Data for Passenger Screening   Synthetik Applied Technologies has ann[more]

Border Security Report 9th October 2019

Facilitated secondary movements and increased human trafficking activities remain a major challenge for law enforcement   Since 2015, the Europ[more]

Border Security Report 4th October 2019

With air passenger growth predicted to double by 2037, the aviation industry will be challenged to support this capacity growth whilst providing opera[more]

September 2019

Border Security Report 30th September 2019

$22 Million of Cocaine Located by CBP Air and Marine Operations, Seized by International Partners   A CBP Air and Marine Operations (AMO) P-3 O[more]

Border Security Report 27th September 2019

US Customs and Border Protection agency and Darley Defense awarded Citadel Defense a contract for over $1M to protect areas along the southern border [more]

Border Security Report 26th September 2019

Smiths Detection launches new security scanner specifically developed for air cargo screening   Smiths Detection has launched its new HI-SCAN 1[more]

Border Security Report 25th September 2019

Siemens to revamp luggage screening at Spain's five busiest airports   Siemens will modernize the existing security systems for luggage control[more]

Border Security Report 24th September 2019

Frontex teams up with INTERPOL to track down foreign terrorist fighters   Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, supported the im[more]

Border Security Report 19th September 2019

Foreign terrorist fighters detected during INTERPOL maritime border operation   A maritime border operation coordinated by INTERPOL has detecte[more]

Border Security Report 19th September 2019

Last month, 70 arrests in pan-European action against child trafficking - At least 53 minors identified as potential victims   Europol supporte[more]

Border Security Report 13th September 2019

NCA investigation results in biggest ever UK heroin haul   An international investigation has resulted in the largest ever seizure of heroin in[more]

Border Security Report 2nd September 2019

Researchers reveal ultra-fast bomb detection method that could upgrade airport security Researchers from the University of Surrey have revealed a new[more]

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April 2020

Border Security Report 30th April 2020

Parsons & Border Security: Technology Integrator and Infrastructure Constructor[more]

Border Security Report 29th April 2020

Veridos DNA ID Solution[more]

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Border Security Report

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