Drumgrange Ltd.2003-10-22 09:21:40

Drumgrange have recently been awarded the following MoD contracts:

Precise Navigation System. A Precise Fixing System for all 19 Royal Navy MCMVs providing precise GPS position data to the Command Systems.

MTSS(R). 8 Replacement Minewarfare Tactical Support Systems (MTSS(R)) for the Planning and Evaluation of deployed Naval Mine Countermeasures Forces, (utilising the RAN MINTACS software).

Lightweight Field Generator (LFG). 2,500 2kW portable diesel generators (230V and 115V AC and 28V DC) for BFI IPT, (with support from Harrington Generators International).

For more information contact:
Unit A The Forum
Hanworth Lane
KT16 9JX
United Kingdom
Tel:     +44 1932 581113 (peter Hobbs) +44 1932 581100 (switchboard)
Fax:     +44 1932 569646



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